Ye Olde Buttcheeks is a real human bean and a real hero. Just like Ryan Gosling. He is the slayer of horse men as seen in [Cancer Intensifies] And in the 5 episodes of the Real Human bean series. He is a real human bean and a real hero. On film, on line, and in real life. He is the king of unsanitary explosive ordinance, which is one of his favorite television board games. He was the one who originally showed Doctor Swifto the way of the tight. He is the mentor of Doctor Swifto. Ye Olde is the one who introduced Doctor Swifto to Yung Lean's glory. He was the original organizer of the Tightest Crew. He is a mentor to Doctor Swifto, making Doctor Swifto the tightest crew member that he is today. He is a Real Human Bean and a real hero.
He introduced Doctor Swifto to Yung Lean. As Ye Olde and Yung Lean have been friends for centuries. They are originally the tightest crew. They had been going away from the tight (light). But then the Final Fuckening began. Since the Final Fuckening began, Yung Lean's tightest Crew has reunited to bring tightness to Payday 2. This is Doctor Swifto, Yung Lean, Grumio the African Warlord, and Ye Olde Buttcheeks. Fighting Almir's evil army of microtransactions. And killing the skins. They are truly tight knights. Sacraficing themselves to restore tightness to the land of Payday 2. Since Crimefest 2015, things have never been the same. The Tightness of Payday 2 is draining with the sales of cheap gun skins. The only way to save it now is to add 1000 free hiests. That's the only way. If Almir does this, it will restore his place as a real human bean and a real hero. REALLLLLLLLLL HUMAN BEAN.......... AND A REAL HERO.
Ye Olde showed Doctor Swifto to Payday 2, and without him showing Doctor Swifto, this mistake of nature of a website would not exist. ayy lmao